Internet Safety Concepts has had the privilege of working with more than 400 great organizations since the company started in 2007.
Here is a list of the schools and organizations who have partnered with Internet Safety Concepts:
4H Academy of Aerospace and Engineering, Hartford
ACES at Chase ACES Whitney High North, Hamden
Adams Middle School, Guilford Advantage Solutions, Clayton MO AHM Youth Services
Albertus Magnus College
Alcott Elementary School, Wolcott
Alfred W. Hanmer School, Wethersfield
Alliance for Prevention & Wellness, Ansoina
All Star Transportation, Waterbury
Alpha Chi Omega-Lota Phi, Quinnipiac Chapter Alvirne High School Hudson NH
American Osteopathic Association
Amity Regional High, Woodbridge
Amity Middle School, Orange and Bethany
Ann Antolini School, New Hartford Ansonia High School Ansonia Middle School
Ansonia Public Schools
Arch Bridge School, Bethlehem
Ashford School, Ashford
ASPIRE program, Norwich Assumption School, Ansonia
Asylum Hill Church, Hartford
Avon High School
Avon Middle School
Bailey Middle School, West Haven
Barkhamstead School
Bay Path College
Beecher Road School, Woodbridge
Beman Middle School, Middletown Ben Bronz Academy, West Hartford
Benet Academy, Manchester Berlin High School
Bethel Middle School Berlin Public Schools Bethel Public Schools
Bloomfield Youth Services
Bolton Board of Education
Bolton Center School
Bolton High School Bow Elementary School, Bow New Hampshire Bow High School, Bow New Hampshire Bow Memorial School, Bow New Hampshire Bow Police Department, Bow New Hampshire
Braeburn School PTB, West Hartford
Brass City Charter School, Waterbury
Breakthrough Magnet School, Hartford
Breakthrough II Magnet School, Hartford
Bridgeport Hospital Pediatrics
Bristol Public Schools Bristol Youth Services
Broadview Middle School, Danbury
Brownstone Intermediate School, Portland
Bullard Haven Technical High School, Bridegport
Camp Claire, Lyme
Candlewood Middle School, Dix Hills New York
Canton Public Schools
Carmen Arace Middle School, Bloomfield
Carrigan School, West Haven Carrington School, Waterbury
Catherine M.McGee Middle School, Berlin
CCH Center for Youth and Families Central Middle School, Greenwich
Central Naugatuck Valley RAC
Central School, Simsbury
Chapel Street Elementary School, Stratford
Charles Wright School, Wethersfield
Chase Collegiate School, Waterbur Chatfield-LoPresti Elementary School, Seymour Cheshire High School
Cheshire High School PTO
Cheshire Town Wide PTA Council
Chief of Police Secretary Association
Chippens Hill Middle School, Bristol Church of Resurrection, Wallingford Church of the Living God, Manchester
Church on the Rock, New Haven
Cider Mill School, Wilton Civil Air Patrol Royal Charter Composite Squadron, Hartford Clark University, Worchester Massachusetts Classical Magnet School, Hartford
Clinton Youth and Family Services
Coginchaug Regional High School, Durham
Colchester Youth and Social Services Colebrook Consolidated School
Communities 4 Action, Stamford
Connecticut Associations of Foster/Adoptive Parents
Connecticut Associations of Schools
Connecticut Children’s Alliance, Inc
Connecticut Department of Children and Families
Connecticut Department of Education
Connecticut HART
Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference
Connecticut School Counselor Association
Connecticut Swimming Inc.
Consolidated School District of New Britain
Country School, Madison
Coventry High School
Coventry Middle School
CREC Academy of Science and Innovation, New Britain
Cromwell Middle School
Cromwell High School
Dag Hammarskjold Middle School, Wallingford
Danbury Hospital Danbury T.A.L.K.S.
Derby High School
Derby Middle School Danbury Public Schools
Derby Youth Services
Dodd Middle School, Cheshire Doolittle Middle School, Cheshire Dover High School, Dover New Hampshire Dover Middle School, Dover New Hampshire
Dr. Joseph Belizzi Middle School, Hartford Dr. Michael D. Fox School, Hartford Dunbarton Elementary School, Dunbarton NH
E.C. Goodwin Technical School
E.H. Parkman School, Enfield
E.O. Smith High School
Eagle Hill Southport School, Southport
East Granby High School
East Granby Middle School
East Granby Youth Services
East Haddam Youth and Family Services
East Hartford Youth Services
East Hartford High School
East Hampton High School
East Hampton Middle School
East Haven Public Schools
East Lyme High School
East Lyme Middle School East Ridge Middle School, Ridgefield East Shore Middle School, Milford East Shoreline Catholic School, Branford
East Windsor Middle School
East Windsor High School Easterseals of New Hampshire Eastern Middle School, Greenwich Edith E. Mackrille Elementary School, West Haven Eli Terry Jr High, Terryville
Eli Whitney Technical High School, Hamden
Ella Grasso Technical High School, Groton
Ellington High School
Ellington Middle School Ellington Youth Services
Elmer Thienes-Mary Hall Elementary, Marlborough
Emerson Williams PTO, Wethersfield
Emerson Williams School, Wethersfield
Emma Hart Willard School PTO, Berlin
Enfield High School Enfield Youth Services
Environmental Sciences Magnet School at Mary Hooker, Hartford
Expeditionary Learning Academy at Moylan School, Hartford
Explorations Charter School, Winsted
Fairfield University, Public Safety Division
Fairfield Warde High School Fairfield Woods Middle School Farm Hill School, Middletown Farmington High School Fawn Hollow Elementary School, Monroe FBI National Academy Associates, South Carolina Chapter
Fessenden School, West Newton Massachusetts Fields Memorial School, Bozrah
Flood Middle School, Stratford
Forman School, Litchfield
Francis Maloney High, Meriden Frank T. Wheeler Elementary School, Plainville
Frank Ward Strong Middle School, Durham
Franklin Academy, East Haddam Fred Wish Elementary School, Hartford
Frisbe Elementary School, Wolcott
Gainfield Elementary School, Southbury George Hersey Robertson School, Coventry
Gideon Welles School, Glastonbury
Gilbert School, Winsted Gilford High School, Gilford NH
Gilmanton School, Gilmanton New Hampshire
Girl Scouts Heart of Hudson, Hyde Park New York
Glastonbury High School PEER Educators
Glastonbury Parks and Recreation
Glastonbury High School
Glastonbury High School PEER Educators
Glastonbury Youth and Family Services Glenbrook Middle School, Longmeadow MA Glenholme School, Washington Global Communications Academy, Hartford
Granby High School
Granby Middle School
Granby Youth Services
Great Oak Middle School, Oxford Great Path Academy, Hartford/Manchester Great Plain Elementary School, Danbury
Greene-Hills School, Bristol
Greenwich Catholic School, Greenwich Griswold Middle School, Griswold
Griswold Middle School, Rocky Hill
Griswold Youth and Family Services Groton High School Groton Middle School
Guilford High School
Guilford Police Department
Guilford Youth and Family Services
Haddam Killingworth Middle School
Hall Memorial School, Willington
Hamden Hall High School
Hamden Hall Middle School
Hamden Public Schools
Har-Bur Middle School, Burlington Harborside Middle School, Milford
Hartford Magnet Middle School
Hartford Police Department Hartford Public Schools
Healthy Communities, Healthy Kids Coalition
Hebron Ave School, Glastonbury
Hebron Elementary, Hebron
Henry James Memorial School, Simsbury
Highcrest Elementary School, Wethersfield Highland Elementary School, Cheshire
Hill Regional Career High School, New Haven
Hopkins School, New Haven
Horace W. Porter School, Columbia
Howell Cheney Technical High School
Independent Day School, Middlefield
Irving A. Robbins Middle School, Farmington
ISAAC, New London J.M. Wright Technical High School, Stamford James H. Horan Middle School, Wallingford
James Hillhouse High, New Haven
Jewish Family Services, West Hartford
Joel Barlow High School, Redding Jockey Hollow Middle School, Monroe
John F. Kennedy Middle School, Enfield John G. Gilmartin School, Waterbury John Read Middle School, Redding
John Wallace Middle School, Newington
John Winthrop School, Bridgeport
John Winthrop Middle School Deep River
Joseph Melillo Middle School, East Haven
Kelly Lane Intermediate School, Granby
Kelly STEAM Magnet Middle School, Norwich KIDSAFE CT
Killingly High School
Killingly Middle School King School, Stamford
Kingswood Oxford School, West Hartford KIingberg Family Center, New Britain L.W. Batchelder Elementary, Hartford
Latimer Lane School, Weatogue
Lebanon Public Schools Ledyard Public Schools Lewis Mills High School, Burlington Linden Street School, Plainville Litchfield High School
Litchfield Intermediate School Litchfield Prevention Council
Long Meadow Elementary School, Middlebury Longmeadow Public Schools, Longmeadow MA Louis Toffolon Elementary School, Plainville
Lyman Memorial High School, Lebanon
Lyme/Old Lyme Middle School Mabelle B. Avery Middle School, Somers Mackville School, West Haven
Manchester Adult & Continuing Education
Manchester Youth Service Bureau
Mandell JCC, West Hartford
Mansfield Middle School Maple Hill School, Naugatuck
Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson
Mark T. Sheehan High School, Wallingford
Martin Kellogg Middle School, Newington Masuk High School, Monroe
Memorial Boulevard School, Bristol
Memorial Middle School, Durham
Memorial Middle School, Middlebury Memorial School, East Hampton
Meriden Public Schools
Michael D. Fox School, Hartford Middle School of Plainville
Middlebrook School, Wilton
Middlebury Elementary School, Middlebury Middlefield Memorial School
Middlesex County 4H
Middlesex County Camp Monroe Elementary School
Monroe Woodbury High School, Central Valley, New York
Mooreland Hill School, Kensington
Natchaug Hospital
Naval Sea Cadet Program, Groton CT
New Canaan Country School
Newington High School
Newington Human Services New Fairfield Public Schools New London Public Schools
New Milford Public Schools New Milford Youth Agency New River Church, Manchester
Newtown Middle School
Newtown PTA
Noah Webster MicroSociety Magnet School, Hartford
Nonnewaug High School, Woodbury
North Branford Intermediate School
North Haven Youth Services North Mianus School, Riverside
North Windham School
Northeast Middle School, Bristol
Northwest Catholic High School, West Hartford
Northwest Middle School, Cheshire
Northwestern Regional High School, Winsted
Norwalk Youth Services Norwich Free Academy
Norwich Public Schools Notre Dame High School, West Haven
Odyssey Community School, Manchester
Office of Policy and Management, State of Connecticut Old Saybrook Middle School Orange Public Schools
Orchard Hill School, South Windsor
Orville Platt High, Meriden
Oxford High School Oxford Middle School
Parish Hill Middle/High Schools, Chaplin
PAWS Conference, ERASE
Pearson Middle School, Winsted
Peck Place School, Orange Perry Hill School, Shelton
Philip R. Smith School, South Windsor
Plainville Youth Services
Pleasant Valley School, South Windsor
Pomperaug Elementary School, Southbury
Portland High School
Portland Middle School
Portland Youth Services
Preston Parks and Recreation Preston Plains Middle School
Prince Technical High School
Public Safety Academy, Enfield
Pulaski Middle School, New Britain Putnam Elementary School
Putnam High School Putnam Middle School
Quinnipiac College
R. Dudley Seymour School, East Granby R.M.T. Johnson School, Bethel
Ram Council, New Canaan
Raymond Hill School, New Britain
Read Elementary School, Bridgeport Rectory School, Pomfret
Region 4 School District
Region 15 School District Regis High School, New York NY
RHAM High School
RHAM Middle School Richard J. Kinsella Magnet School of Performing Arts, Hartford Rice Memorial High School, South Burlington VT
Rippowam Middle School, Stamford Riverside Magnet School, East Hartford
Robert E. Fitch High School, Groton
Rochambeau Middle School, Southbury
Rockville High School Rocky Hill High School
Roger Ludlowe Middle School, Fairfield
Rogers Park Middle School, Danbury
ROME, Regional Osteopathic Medical Education Rumsey Hall School, Washington
Rushford Center, Meriden
Sacred Heart Academy, Hamden
Sacred Heart School, New Britain
Sacred Heart School, Taftville
Sage Park Middle School, Windsor
Salem School District, Salem
Samuel B. Webb School, Wethersfield
Sarah Noble Intermediate School, New Milford
Schaghticoke Middle School, New Milford Scofield Magnet Middle School, Stamford Scotts Ridge Middle School, Ridgefield
Seymour Elementary School
Seymour Public Schools Shelton Intermediate School, Shelton
Shelton Youth Service Bureau
Shepaug Valley School, Washington
Sherman School, Sherman
Simsbury Elementary, Simsbury
Simsbury Enrichment Extended Day Program Simsbury Social Services
Smith Middle School, Glastonbury
Somers High School Somers Department of Human Services
Somers Middle School South Central Network of Care
South Windsor High School
South Windsor Youth and Family Services
Southeastern Mental Health Authority, Norwich
Southington School System
Southington STEPS, Southington Southport School
Spector Criminal Justice Training Network, Inc. Sport and Medicine Sciences Academy, Hartford
St. Bernadette Catholic School, New Haven
St. Bernard School, Enfield
St. Bernard School, Rockville St. Bridget School, Manchester
St. Edwards School, Stafford Springs
St. Gabriel School, Windsor St. James School, Manchester
St. Joseph School, New London
St. Lawrence School, West Haven
St. Mary’s-St. Michael’s School, Derby St. Matthew School, Forestville
St. Paul Catholic High School, Bristol
St. Rita School, Hamden
St. Rose of Lima School, Newtown
St. Timothy Middle School, West Hartford
Stafford Public Schools Stepney Elementary School, Monroe
STEM Magnet School at Annie Fisher, Hartford
Stonington Board of Education
Stonington High School
Strong Elementary School, Plantsville Strong Middle School, Durham Suffield High School
Suffield Middle School
Teachers’ Memorial Global Studies Magnet Middle
TEEG, North Grosvenordale
Terryville High School
Terryville Middle School
The Connection, Middletown
The Forman School, Litchfield
The Glenholme School, Washington
The Gunnery, Washington
The Village for Families and Children, Hartford
The Underground, Bloomfield Thomas Edison Middle School, Meriden Thomaston High School
Thornton Police Department, Thornton New Hampshire
Timothy Edwards School, South Windsor
Tolland Board of Education Tolland High School
Tolland Middle School
Tolland Youth Services
Torrington High School Torrington Middle School
Totoket Valley Elementary School, Middletown
Tri Town Youth Services
Trinity College
Truman School, New Haven
Turn of River Middle School, Stamford
Tyrrell Middle School, Wolcott
University High School, Hartford
University of Hartford Police Department
Valley Regional High, Deep River
Valley Substance Abuse Action Council
Vermont Academy, Saxtons River Vermont Vermont School Human Resources Professionals Vernon Center Middle School Vernon Police Explorers Vernon Youth Services Vinal Technical High School, Middletown Vista Life Innovations, Madison Voluntown Youth Service Bureau Wakelee Elemntary School, Wolcott Wamogo High School, Litchfield Wapping Community Church, South Windsor Wapping School, South Windsor Washington Montessori, New Preston Waterbury Arts Magnet School, Waterbury Waterbury Youth Services Waterford Public Schools Welles Road Intermediate School, Granby
West Bristol School, Bristol
West Haven Youth Services West Shore Middle School, Milford West Side Middle School, Waterbury
Westbrook Middle School Western CT Academy for International Studies, Danbury Western Middle School, Greenwich
Westover School, Middlebury
Westside Middle School, Danbury
Wethersfield High School
Wethersfield, Town of
Wheeler Clinic, Plainville
Wheeler High School, North Stonington
Wheeler Jr. High School, North Stonington Whisconier Middle School, Brookfield Williams Middle School, Longmeadow MA
Wilton High School
Wilton High School PTO
Windham High School
Windham Middle School
Windsor High School
Windsor Locks High School
Windsor Locks Middle School
Wolcott Board of Education
Wolcott High School
Woodbury Middle School
Woodstock Middle School
Wooster Middle School, Stratford
Youth and Family Services of Haddam/Killingworth